`Education` means systematic training and instruction designed to impart knowledge and develop skills. One of the greatest scientists - Albert Einstein had to say : "Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learnt in school."
Unfortunately, education is one of the most neglected areas in our country. The Governments were oblivious of the importance of education. The goal of the education system became securing marks at examinations. The higher the marks the more intelligent the student is! As a matter of fact, neither the subject periods norexam question-papers involve requirement of any intelligence. Marks are a product mainly of labour, memory and luck.
So, a rat race ensued to achieve the end, i.e. high marks, unmindful of the naked fact that a winner in a rat race remains a rat only. The education system created a vicious circle of Students --> Teachers --> Students, i.e. students churned out of the rabid and imbecile system become teachers who, in turn, produce students of their `caliber`. Learning, imparting of knowledge and developing skills in asystematic manner are totally lost sight of. As a consequence, even `top-rankers` are incompetent to face the realities of life and most of them get lost in the real world. A wake -up call is therefore, sine qua non. A developing country requires a visionary education system.